Kowalkowski, A. und Jonczak, J. und Link, M.
Veränderung der Nutzungseignung der Jungmoränenlandschaft Nordpommernsam Beispiel des Einzugsgebietes der
Struga Lesna (Waldbach).
In: Vortrags-und Exkursionstagung zur Bodenschätzung, 07.-09.09.2010, Kloster St. Marienthal bei Ostritz/Oberlausitz.
On the example of the catchment area of Struga Lesna (Waldbach) the changes inland use suitability over more than one century are shown. Basically, the negative influences
on agricultural site quality are caused by human impacts over a long time period since Neolithic Age. The anthropogenic shift of the soil and landscape factors has to be classified currently as persistent in the northern young moraine area of Pomerania.
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