Werth, Martin und Zamanian, Kazem
Ammonia efflux affects accuracy of CO2 emission estimated by alkali-trap method.
In: Jahrestagung der DBG 2011: Böden verstehen - Böden nutzen - Böden fit machen, 03.-09.09.2011, Berlin.
The alkali-trap method (absorption of CO2 in NaOH solution and titration of the remaining NaOH with HCl) is frequently used to estimate soil CO2 emissions. With alkaline soils, however, it might be possible to underestimate soil CO2 emissions due to slight dissolution of ammonia into NaOH solution and production of extra OH- ions. So the main goals of this study were:
- To investigate the dynamics of C and N emissions from soils under different land uses and climatic conditions with pH values from 7.5 to 8.
- To examine the effects of ammonia on the results of alkali-trap method.
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