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Publications of the German Soil Science Society

Development of biological soil crusts in initial ecosystems in Lusatia, Germany

Spröte, Roland and Veste, Maik and Fischer, Thomas and Lange, Philipp and Bens, Oliver and Raab, Thomas and Hüttl, Reinhard F. (2009) Development of biological soil crusts in initial ecosystems in Lusatia, Germany. In: Jahrestagung der DBG 2009: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, 5.-13. September 2009, Bonn.

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During initial ecosystem development vegetation cover is sparse, but the space between shrubs is not bare and is often covered by a topsoil biological crust composed by cyanobacteria, green algae, mosses and lichens. These cryptogames are the first colonizer of initial ecosystems. The development of soil surface crusts plays a major role for the further vegetation pattern and ecosystem development through changes to the physico-chemical conditions and influencing various ecosystem processes. We studied the development of biological soil crusts on quaternary substrate of the initial artificial water catchment ´Neuer Lugteich´ located in the former open-cast lignite mining area near Welzow (Brandenburg, Germany). Chlorophyll, Corg, pH were determined to classified various soil crusts types. Some of these Kryptogames excrete exopolysaccharides that bind the inorganic fine-grained particles that form the matrix of the topsoil crust. Due to lack of organic matter in the geological substrate, photoautotrophic organisms like green algae and cyanobacteria are important for soil organic matter accumulation in first millimetre of topsoil of initial ecosystems. The biological soil crusts decrease infiltration rates and influence the hydrological conditions.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Contribution to "Reports of the DBG")
Uncontrolled Keywords: biological soil crusts (BSCs), cyanobacteria, green algae, initial ecosystem development, soil formation
Divisions: Kommissionen > Kommission II: Bodenchemie
Depositing User: Roland Spröte
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2009 13:24
Last Modified: 13 Dec 2015 16:23
URI: https://eprints.dbges.de/id/eprint/178

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