Beck-Broichsitter, Steffen und Fleige, Heiner und Horn, Rainer
Approaches to investigate the crack formation of mineral landfill liner systems.
In: Jahrestagung der DBG 2017: Horizonte des Bodens, 02.-07.09.2017, Göttingen.
The municipal landfill in Rastorf (Schleswig-Holstein) is covered with a temporary till based capping system. Investigations of structural changes (water conductivity, pore function, shrinkage behaviour) were carried out with undisturbed soil cores and two- and three-dimensional measurement techniques.
The usage of different techniques to evaluate the soil volume changes resulted in variations of the available water capacity (ver>ver+hor>3D) and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity.
In summary, a critical matric potential between -500 and -1000 hPa in conjunction with a low shrinkage tendency (Vs < 5 %) could be seen as main argument for the utilization of till as sealing substrate.
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