Dobers, Eike Stefan und Bock, Michael
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der landwirtschaftlichen Interpretation von Reliefparametern aus digitalen Geländemodellen für die GPS-gestützte Landwirtschaft.
In: Jahrestagung der DBG 2013: Böden - Lebensgrundlage und Verantwortung, 07.-12.09.2013, Rostock.
Precision farming needs precise site information with regard to production potential and indications for optimized management. Besides other data sources (e.g. yield mapping, soil maps), elevation information and topographical derivations are not used very often. We studied the usability of RTK-GPS measurements (cm accuracy) for a 50 ha field to (a) derive a digital elevation model (DEM), and (b) to estimate relative yield potential for some parameters derived from the DEM. Results were compared with actual yield and soil map information, using the transferable belief model (TBM). Processing of RTK-GPS data yielded plausible terrain structures and the interpretation of topographical features as yield zones in general was spatially similar to existing data layers. The TBM allowed for spatially explicit visualization of conflicting hypotheses, what helps improving data sources and/or interpretation schemes.
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